Programme Conditions

The following conditions apply to joining our courses:

  1. The programme we offer is published in our brochure and website for the year stated. We reserve the right to add additional courses, workshops or trips without notice. We also reserve the right to withdraw courses, workshops or trips offered notwithstanding the conditions outlined below.
  2. Places are secured on courses by prior enrolment. To enrol you will need to complete the necessary details online or complete an enrolment form  stating your name, email address, home address, a contact telephone number (either landline or mobile) as well as the details of the course(s), module(s), workshop(s) or trips that you wish to join. You must pay the correct fee at the time of enrolment.
  3. If a course does not run or is closed for whatever reason by Enjoy Learning your fee will be refunded in full or in part depending on the circumstances of the closure. Otherwise we do not offer refunds except in the case of serious personal illness where you may miss three or more classes. There will be a £10 administration fee for part refunds.
  4. COVID-19 NOTICE: if you have paid for your course in full and the class doesn't start due to Covid-19 a full refund will be given. If you start your class and the class closes during the 10 week course due to COVID-19, a refund will be given on a sliding scale.
  5. If your course is full at the time of enrolment you can be put on a waiting list. You will not pay an enrolment fee until a suitable place is available.
  6. Places are allocated on a "first come" basis. Enrolments online will be confirmed by email. Paper enrolments will receive a receipt confirming their place on the course.
  7. Do not send correspondence to the centre at which the class is being held. Use the postal address Enjoy Learning, c/o 85 High Street, Belmont, Bolton BL7 8AJ or use the contact us facility on the website.
  8. If you are unable to take up your place on a course for whatever reason we would be grateful if you would inform us as soon as possible. In this case there will be an administration fee of £10.
  9. Payment made to Enjoy Learning online can be made by card or PayPal. If you pay by BACS you will complete a form on line with your personal details which in turn will generate a reference number so we can identify your payment against your name. If you’re paying by BACS from the brochure then you must fill in the booking form and return to address given. Payment to Enjoy Learning is sort code 089299 Account number 65232826 and reference the payment with the course code (found alongside your course details on the website or in the brochure). Payment by cheque is made payable to Enjoy Learning and can be sent to Enjoy Learning, c/o 85 High Street, Belmont, Bolton BL7 8AJ along with the booking form or paid at any of the enrolment sessions listed in the brochure. Payment by cash can only at the first class. Please make sure it correct money given and send the booking form has been sent to us before the class start.
  10. Enrolment on a course confers membership of the Enjoy Learning Association for the year in which your enrolment has been processed.
  11. We do not offer concessions but if someone joins a class on or after the fourth week we will accept a reduced fee proportionate to the number of weeks the class has left to run. This does not apply to five week courses.
  12. Classes that enrol less than 9 may be closed at the first session. If this is the case we will seek to find a suitable alternative otherwise fees will be refunded in full. We also establish a maximum size for each class - this will depend on the nature of the course and size of room available.
  13. For stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4 courses it is indicated both on the website and in the brochure at what level of ability a learner will need to be to participate fully in the class. If you are still in doubt tutors will advise and there is the flexibility to move classes to a more appropriate level.
  14. At the first class an outline plan for the course will be presented, discussed and agreed.
  15. A register will be taken at each class to record attendance and this will be used to check that everyone in a class has left the building in the case of an emergency evacuation.
  16. With the agreement of the class as a whole there may be rare occasions where the start and finish times of a course are adjusted by up to 15 minutes before or after the times advertised.
  17. Learners will normally provide their own materials and equipment for practical classes. The tutor will advise at the first session. It is our policy to explain what equipment or materials are necessary and how to keep costs to a minimum.
  18. We expect everyone attending our classes and activities to respect each other, behave in a manner that does not offend and pay due regard to their own and others health and safety. In rare and exceptional circumstances we may ask someone to withdraw from a class because of offensive of grossly inappropriate behaviour which affects other learners. If such a case arises the decision will be made by the director and anyone asked to leave will have their have their fee refunded. We expect everyone to comply with the COVID-19 protocols and regulations in place at the time you start your class.
  19. We expect everyone to follow the safety and other regulations imposed by the centres we use. You may from time to time be asked to practice fire drill procedures. We have to comply with any COVID-19 procedures that centres determine.
  20. If you are allergic to particular substances or have other particular needs that may affect your participation in class please inform your tutor. This will be treated with discretion.
  21. Classes will normally have a short break for refreshments.
  22. Access to rooms will normally be available 10 minutes prior to the start of class. We would ask everyone to co-operate in clearing up and leaving the room within a reasonable time at the end of a class. COVID-19 protocols will apply.
  23. Report any accident or damage either in a class or in the centre you are using to the tutor or person in charge of the centre as soon as possible. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms you should not attend class. An accident form will be completed.
  24. There may be occasions when a class is cancelled (e.g. tutor sickness or weather conditions). If this is known beforehand we will do our best to contact learners. In such circumstances we try and offer an extension to the course or offer a refund proportionate to the number of classes lost.
  25. Enjoy Learning cannot be responsible for damage to parked cars or accidents incurred to and from our centres.
  26. Every care is taken by tutors and the centres to meet the needs of learners. In cases where any complaints or differences cannot be resolved please contact the director of Enjoy Learning using the contact form, or by writing to Enjoy Learning, c/o 85 High Street, Belmont, Bolton BL7 8AJ.
  27. Data: we do everything possible to keep your data safe and we do not share information with third parties. The only data we keep are the details you supply when you enrol for a course and this is used for administrative and tutorial purposes. We are obliged to keep some details for up to 7 years for tax and accountancy purposes and this is kept in secure storage. You are entitled to inspect any information we hold about you and can do so by making an appointment with the director.